Who we are and what we
Helping grieving youth
in the Greater Victoria and Vancouver Island!

Loss and grief are inevitable. Suffering alone is not.
In just one year, over 203,000 of 7.5 million Canadian children under 18
will experience the death of someone in their extended family.
Almost 40,000 will experience the death of a parent or a sibling who live in their home.
Through our programs, workshops and counselling services, Learning Through Loss (LTL)
reach's hundreds of youth each year.
Our Programs

The biggest myth is grief and loss are limited to the death of a family member or friend. Grief & loss can come from many different events​
Parents divorcing, relationship breakup, estrangement
Relocating to a new home, school, or neighbourhood
Illness, loss of physical or mental health
Cultural identity and language loss
Any event that causes significant and/or abrupt change
Grief & Loss