Register Today! Friends of Living & Learning Through Loss Annual General Meeting and Supporting Youth Through Loss & Grief Community Workshop
Do you know a young person (age 13-24) who is navigating the impacts of loss and grief caused by a death, divorce, illness, injury separation from family, friends, or country?
Loss and grief are an inescapable part of life for which we and the children
in our lives are often unprepared.
Join us on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 - 6:00 - 8:00 PM
for our 2021 Annual General Meeting and
Supporting Youth Through Loss and Grief Community Workshop
(Zoom Event)
As part of the AGM, Learning Through Loss facilitator, Ashley Gilles will present
a one-hour Community Education Workshop.
This is an ideal opportunity to learn about our programs and how you can more effectively help a youth cope with loss and grief in healthy ways.
Discover the ways that Learning Through Loss educates young people, families and educators about the impacts of loss and grief.
Find out how you can more effectively support young people in your life
with health coping strategies and when it might be time to seek help.
Learn more about our short-term counselling programs for youth 13-24.
Find out how you can have Learning Through Loss present our
free Good Grief Workshops in your school.
Discover how your School or District can book our Supporting Youth Through Loss for Teachers and Counsellor training to contribute to your professional development.
How you can contribute to our mission to support youth through loss and grief.
Referrals for Spring Youth Group Loss & Grief Counselling Programs now Closed
Do you know a teenager who needs help coping with the impacts of loss & grief?
Learning Through Loss is planning a no-charge group counselling program this April to June for youth needing support navigating the impacts of loss and grief in their lives.
Group for Youth 14-16: Weekly on Tuesdays 4:30 - 6:00 PM, April 19 -June 7
(Referrals for this program are now closed: Click banner below to apply for Fall 2022 Programs)