Hey, there!
Welcome to the Learning Through Loss March 2024 newsletter. We have some exciting news and updates to share with you.
In this newsletter you will find:
🎉 Introduction to new members of our team, Meg Kant, our new Executive Director and Kyla Bodenham, a new Facilitator and Social Worker!
✅ Exciting things LTL is doing
👏 Story of Olivia (a Grade 12 youth ambassador who is making a huge difference)
🫶🏽 Media Shoutouts
Let's dive right in.
New Executive Director - Meg Kant

We are so excited to welcome Meg Kant as the new Executive Director of Learning Through Loss. Meg joins LTL as someone who has been working in the loss and grief community for almost a decade. She has experience in both the profit and non-profit world, including owning and selling her own business. She is such a wonderful addition to the LTL team and we are so happy to have her.
New Role for Kathryn - Program Director

Kathryn will continue to contribute her brilliance and dedication to the organization in her new role as Program Director. She has been instrumental in supporting our new Executive Director in acclimating to her new role. We are so grateful for you Kathryn!
New Facilitator and Social Worker - Kyla Bodenham

Meet Kyla! Kyla is a Mental Health Clinician working in the greater Victoria area. She works both in private practice and in a local high school as a Youth and Family Counsellor. She has over fourteen years of experience working with children, youth and families in a variety of settings. We are so excited to have her joining us!
Our Team is running in the TC10K!

For the 2nd year in a row, the LTL team is participating in the TC10K! This year's race will be Sunday, April 28th.
The TC10K is a running event in Victoria hosted by RunSport and we are so excited to get out and hit the payment to help provide the youth in our community support through loss and grief.
Our goal this year is to raise $1000, which will have a ripple impact on up to 200 youth in the Victoria area.
Please join us by donating!
Olivia Hahn, our Youth Ambassador is making a wonderful difference in the community
After the loss of her mother, Olivia Hahn has become a strong advocate for youth going through loss and grief. She has written two books on the subject and we feel everyone could benefit from reading them, they provide deep insight into the experience of youth. Click on the highlighted links to purchase your copy.
"Imagine coming to school after your mom died and none of the teachers talked to you about it or even pulled you aside to see how you are doing... and all your friends suddenly stop talking to you and seem to be scared to say anything that will upset you and get really awkward." - Excerpt from Healing Our Wounded Hearts.

The book has gone national, and Olivia has donated $400 to local loss organizations.

Your donations make a huge difference in the lives of youth, just like Olivia. By setting up a $25 monthly donation you can impact 35 youth every month.
Recent Media Highlights
We have been honoured to receive some media shoutouts
Save the date 🗓
Our Annual General Meeting is happening Virtually on May 14th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm PST
Your support is truly making a powerful impact! Here is what LTL is doing
In addition to now providing short-term grief counselling support to youth between the ages of 11-24 yrs, LTL also continues to offer other services and supports. Here’s a list of what’s currently available.
Short-Term Grief Counselling Click here for more information.
Good Grief Workshops (GGWs)
Supporting Youth In Grief Workshops (SYW)
To inquire about this workshop, email info@learningthroughloss.org or visit https://www.learningthroughloss.org/programs-services
Our Funders are Amazing 🎉
When young people are supported through the most traumatic experiences of their lives the positive impact is immense. Thank you to all of our funders and donors, we couldn't do this without your support. Special thanks to the Government of Canada, Victoria Foundation, United Way Southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and TELUS.

A loving reminder in case you need it today ❤️

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